
Donor Definitions

Posted on 12th October, 2018

The following definitions have been adopted by the Trustees to further the aims of the Friends of the Staffordshire and West Midlands (North Sector) Army Cadet Force.


A prominent and influential personage who will support and promote the work that the Friends do with the wider community. This single post is held during the lifetime of the personage unless they wish to stand down.

Honorary President.

An honorary position awarded to an ex Trustee who has given long and committed service to the Friends. This single post is held during the lifetime of the personage unless they wish to stand down

Vice President of the Friends

A known individual, who donates £1,000 or more, or an article of equivalent value, in a single payment or in multiple smaller payments, to the Friends Charity for the furtherance of the aims of the Friends as agreed by the Trustees.

Contributions received as a result of Friends activities aimed at raising finances for the Friends Charity are excluded.


A known individual who makes a known regular financial contribution, not amounting to more than £50, to the Friends Charity for the furtherance of the aims of the Friends as agreed by the Trustees. This includes attendance and donations to Friends fundraising activities.

Friends Business & Commercial Sponsor

A business or commercial organisation that makes a known financial or “in kind” contribution to the Friends Charity for the furtherance of the aims of the Friends as agreed by the Trustees.

A business or commercial organisation who, in a single year provides financial sponsorship or equivalent to, £500 or more will have their logo, etc., indicating their support included on all publicity materials and documentation for a period of not less than one year unless they specifically request that this should not happen.

Trustee of the Friends Charity

A trustee appointed to manage, in accordance the Charities Deeds and with the other trustees, the operations of the “ The Friends of the Staffordshire & West Midlands (North Sector) Army Cadet Force Trust” Charity Registration no. 133333.

Financial donations can be made via the links located on the ‘Donor’ page of the website. Anyone interested in donating an item for auction or competition prize are asked to contact the Chair of Trustees;

Mr Jonathan Dale

Office Phone: 01785 257804
