
Colonel Simon Donegan Steps Down

Posted on 30th September, 2023

The tenure of the current Commandant, Colonel Simon Donegan, came to an end in September 2023. The Trustees are indebted to Col Donegan for the support he has provided to the Friends Trust throughout his time in charge.

Col Donegan’s leadership was particularly demanding as a result of the Covid Pandemic which happened during his tenure. Not unlike many cadet services across the country, there was a significant fall in the number of cadets and adult volunteers engaged with the Staffordshire and West Midland (North Sector) Army Cadet Force. Being unable to meet in person created serious leadership challenges that have been overcome with numbers of both cadets and adult volunteers back up to pre-pandemic levels.

At their annual camp in Oakhamption Battle Camp, the Friends witnessed him taking the salute, at the request of the Lord-Lieutenant, after which they expressed their gratitude for all he has done by forming a guard of honour for his final act before heading off to pastures new.

As with all previous Commandants, Colonel Donegan will maintain his connection with the Friends Trust and we look forward to receiving his advice and guidance. Trustees presented Col Donegan, and his wife Clare, a small gift as thanks for his support of the Friends and we wish him, and Clare, every success for the future.