
Re-Launch of the Access to Education and Employment Bursary

Posted on 25th March, 2021

The Trustees are acutely aware of the specific difficulties some of our cadets are facing as a result of the pandemic, especially in relation to furthering their education and gaining permanent employment. To help alleviate some of these issues and to support our cadets, the Trustees have re-launched its Access to Education and Employment Bursary.

The primary aim of this bursary, which has been in place for a number of years, is to help remove barriers for serving Army Cadets of the Staffordshire and West Midlands (North Sector) Army Cadet Force wishing to engage with education and/or employment but are precluded from doing so through personal financial circumstances. The bursary is designed to be as flexible as possible and can provide support with any costs associated with education or access to employment.

A short presentation has been produced that will be shown to all of our cadets over the coming weeks. This presentation has been placed on the Bursary section of our website, to ensure ease of access for our cadets, but if you would like to view this presentation yourself you can also access it by clicking on this link:

Access to Education and Employment Bursary

A big thank-you goes to all of our supporters without whose generous help we would not be able to provide this financial support.